Channel: Stephen W. Thomas BizTalk MVP : biztalk, biztalk errors
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Join The BizTalker–The Newsletter of BizTalkGurus.com


It has been over a year since my list issue of The BizTalker.  With all the excitement in the air about BizTalk in the cloud and AppFabric, I figured now is a good time to bring back the newsletter.  I am planning to send out a new issue monthly with the next one in just a few days.  I am reaching out to various 3rd parties to try to get some freebies to give away for future newsletters. 

In the next issue you will have a chance to win a copy of my new book plus an exclusive discount to order it online. 

If you are not a member of The BizTalker, sign up now at: http://www.biztalkgurus.com/newsletter/index.aspx

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